The Three Great Secret Things
Published September, 2007 – The sequel to Leaving Maggie Hope, the story is set in 1950, just after World War II, the dilemmas it contains are relevant to our new century as well. How is it best to be, David wonders, where do I go and what do I need for the trip? He has his mother’s old brown leather suitcase with the gold letters stamped M.H. for Maggie Hope, but maybe there is something else he needs.
The Three Great Secret Things takes us back into that strange era, that oddly innocent time, when a boy could lose his heart to God, poetry, and a bright sassy girl all at once and on purpose. Anthony Abbott treats his boarding school characters with great tenderness and respect, following young David Lear as he pursues the three great loves that secretly ARE his education (and the one sassy girl is one we won’t forget for a long time to come.)
— Josephine Humphreys, author of “No Where Else on Earth”